分别采用传统统计学和地统计学方法,定量分析了灌溉前、后黄河三角洲田块尺度下不同深度土层含盐量的空间变异性并分析空间分布特征。结果表明:除灌溉前0~10 cm土层土壤含盐量呈强变异性外,其余各土层含盐量均表现为中等变异强度;灌溉前土壤盐分主要积聚在0~10 cm和40~60 cm土层,灌溉后主要积聚在40~60 cm土层;灌溉使得0~10 cm和10~20 cm土层土壤含盐量降低,脱盐效果较好;除灌溉后0~10 cm土层的土壤盐分含量呈现弱空间相关性之外,其它土层均呈现强空间相关性;灌溉后与灌溉前相比,除40~60 cm层土壤含盐量外,其余各土层土壤含盐量明显降低、土壤含盐量的等值线密集程度减弱、空间分布趋势明显变平缓;灌溉前各土层土壤含盐量高值区均分布在试验区中部偏北,而低值区则分布在试验区西北角,灌溉后除0~10 cm土层土壤含盐量高值中心分布在试验区中北部外,其余各土层均分布在试验田块的中南部或中部,而低值中心的空间分布规律相似,主要分布在试验田的北部。
In attempt to study spatial and temporal variability of soil salt content before and after irrigation,the descriptive statistics and geostatistics were used to quantitatively analyze soil salt content of field-scale in vertical and horizontal directions in the Yellow River Delta.The result showed that soil salt content was gathered in 0~10 cm layer and 40~60 cm layer before the irrigation,and gathered in 40~60 cm layer after the irrigation.Irrigation reduced salinity of 0~10 cm and 10~20 cm soil layer and gained better desalination.Except soil salt content of 0~10 cm layer had a weak spatial correlation after irrigation,all other layers of soil showed a strong spatial correlation.Compared salt content of soil before irrigation with after irrigation,salt content of 40~60 cm layer was significantly reduced after irrigation,soil salinity contour intensity was weakened,and spatial distribution trend clearly turned to flat.Before irrigation,high soil salinities of all soil layers were detected in the northern part of the study area,while low soil salinities were detected in the northwest corner;After irrigation,except high soil salinity of 0~10 cm layer was detected in north-central area,high soil salinities of the rest layers(10~20 cm,20~40 cm and 40~60 cm) were discovered in south-central or central area.Low soil salinity of each layer of soil showed same distribution pattern,and they were mostly observed in the northern part of the experimental field.