This paper discusses, empirically, on the relationship between the expected return and the expec- ted idiosyncratic skewness in Chinese A-share equity market. Series of expected idiosyncratic skewness of each stock are taken from cross section regression models, and Fama-MacBeth regressions are adopted to test the re- lationship between the expected return and the expected idiosyncratic skewness. The empirical result suggests that there is a significant negative relationship between them, even when controlling for liquidity, co-skew- ness,co-kurtosis and other factors. This paper also retests the "the idiosyncratic volatility puzzle", and find that, after controlling for expected idiosyncratic skewness, the negative relationship between idiosyncratic vola- tility and expected return no longer holds, thus confirming the fact that expected idiosyncratic skewness con- tains a fraction of the information of idiosyncratic volatility. Finally, the robustness test by separating samples of big firms and small firms supports the above conclusion again.