无线传感网具有资源受限、硬件和应用多样等特性,使得传感网的应用开发和部署比较困难。这就要求研制一种提供适当抽象层的中间件架构,简化应用开发,并支持在资源受限的情况下,快速将应用部署到无线传感网节点。本文设计并实现了一种面向无线传感网的新型中间件架构。本架构采用基于可执行可链接格式(EL F文件格式)的动态链接加载更新技术,支持中间件动态加载与链接、部署、激活、停用、卸载和相互调用等功能。实验结果表明,本架构代码体积较小,可用于资源受限的传感网节点,明显降低了代码更新时产生的网络传输量,并且可以实现更加灵活的应用和中间件服务部署方案。
WSNs are typically resource limited and hardware and applications diversely involved ,which makes it very difficult to develop and deploy WSN applications .This requires development of a middleware framework as an abstract layer in order to simplify application development and support fast deployment of application soft-ware to WSN nodes .This paper designed and realized a new middleware framework for WSN ,which adopted the executable linkable format (i .e .,ELF file format) based dynamic linking and loading technology and sup-ported dynamic loading and linking ,deployment ,activation ,suspension ,uninstallation and inter-invoking . Experiment results show that compared with other operations ,the desingned framework has smaller code sizes , enables deployment to WSN nodes with limited resources ,significantly reduces the amount of codes to be upda-ted and supports flexible applications and middleware services .