For the problem that cognitive wireless network channel access, to reduce interference between the channels au- thorized by the primary user of the second user, and increase the efficiency of channel utilization, this paper proposed a cogni- tive radio network channel selection algorithm based on dynamic spectrum game binding mechanism. First of all, it proposed a game constraint mechanism to analyze secondary users in the use of spectrum resources as well as the cost to harvest the bene- fits, constraints derived function spectrum allocation game, the spectral time selected by the user can be utilized as much as possible and to produce benefits improve the utilization of spectrum resources. Secondly, in order to choose a better access channel, channel selection method based on channel utilization, packet loss rate, power situation of these three performance indicators to select authorized idle channel. Simulation and comparison of experimental results show that the algorithm based on time series prediction method compared to the competition and cooperative spectrum access based method to reduce the delay in channel access interference and improve with better results on the channel utilization.