Free tiding in peer-to-peer (P2P) systems means a peer utilizing other peers' network resources without con- tribution, which will cause severe degradation of the service quality in P2P streaming systems. A two - class fluid mod- el was introduced to model and analyze the free riding problem. With this model, two scenarios including without seed- ers and with seeders were considered, and a quantitative analysis of the effect of free tiding on the performance of P2P streaming systems particularly in the steady state was put forth. The result showed that both honest peers and free riders could achieve a much lower download time in the scenario with seeders than that without seeders, and thus it was essen- tial to introduce the mechanisms to incentivize the seeders to stay in the system. The free riders could benefit greatly from the streaming server and the seeders, and thus it is important to introduce differentiated service for the server and seeders in P2P streaming systems.