With the pervasiveness of social media, the explosion of users' generated data provides a potentially very rich source of information for online researchers understanding user's behaviors deeply. Since user's personality traits are the driving force of user's behaviors and individual differences in user's personality traits may have an impact on user's online activities, as a consequence, user's personality traits recognition has attracted increasing attention in recent years. On the basis of user's network structure information and series of posts information, we first build user's personality traits recognition features, followed by distributing weights to features according to their different importance. And then, we utilize nonnegative matrix factorization to recognize user's Big Five personality traits from his/her network structure features dimension, linguistics features dimension and emotion features dimension by employing personality traits correlation factor to constrain objective function. Experiments on real-world Faeebook dataset demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed framework. Further experiments are conducted not only to validate the existence of the correlations between user's personality traits from a more fine-grained view, but also understand the importance of different feature's weight and the importance of the correlations between user's personality traits in recognizing user's personality traits. What's more, we provide a new train of thought for multidimensional personality traits recognition in social networks.