The paper introduced a basic principle of the well temperature measurement and test, surface ground microseismic method and dynamic conductor charging method applied to monitor and measure the cracks developed with thehydraulic fracturing of the seam. With the above three methods applied to monitor and measure the cracks developed with thehydraulic fracturing of the coal bed methane wells in Jiaoping Mining Area, the crack shape parameters of the hydraulicfracturing in the seam were obtained preliminarily. The analysis showed that inequal length vertical cracks displayed andappeared in the fracturing space of the seam in Jiaoping Mining Area. The fractured cracks were expanded upward anddownward remarkably, were passed through the seam roof and floor and the expansion direction of the main crack were inNorth - East. The production wells should be arranged in the length direction along the main cracking direction, the spacebetween the wells would be about 400m suitably and the width direction of the wells would be about 140 suitably.