针对LEO卫星的广播星历参数设计,在分析低地球轨道(LEO)卫星轨道根数变化特征的基础上,从第二类无奇点根数出发,对标准GPS广播星历的轨道及其摄动表征进行改造,提出一套专用于LEO卫星的23参数星历表示法,并推导了相应的用户卫星位置计算公式。拟合试验表明,20 min星历拟合的用户距离误差(URE)的均方根优于0.05 m。
Based on characteristics analysis of LEO satellite orbit elements,the representations of both the standard broadcast ephemerides' orbit and its perturbation were revised according to the second class of nonsingular orbital elements.A 23-parameter broadcast ephemeris was presented specifically for LEOs.The user satellite position computation formulas were derived correspondingly.Fit simulations show that the root of mean squares (RMS) of user range error (URE) with 20 min data set is better than 0.05 m.