The autonomous navigation system !s very fundamental and important to the lunar rover to complete the lunar exploration mission, so the CNS/DR based autonomous navigation system of lunar rover has been designed under the very spaical navigation enviroment. In this paper, a new approach of autonomous navigation for lunar rover based on Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) was described. The principle of this method was introduced, and the state space equation of system for lunar rover based on the rover motion model was developed. Then three measurements be implemented for observation vector, they are the elevation of sun that observed by sun sensor, angular velocity on the yew direction and lunar rover moving distance in a unit time step, that both the output of DR navigation system. The EKF has been implemented to get the optimal estimation of navigation information. Finally, the simulation of this method was finished. A simulation results demonstrated that this approach not only has good precision of position andhead angle, but also the effective solution of lunar rover autonomous navigation.