以长白山金沟岭林场作为研究区域,研究了主要森林类型碳储量和碳密度的时空变化,为我国森林生态系统碳平衡提供基础资料。结果表明:1)金沟岭林场森林植被碳储量从1997年的7 621.842 2t增加到2007年的8 018.125 9t,净增加了466.283 7t。碳储量分布以中龄林与近熟林为主,1997年与2007年所占的比例分别为87%与79%,是一个潜在的巨大碳库;2)森林植被的平均碳密度随着龄级结构的增长而增加,1997年与2007年分别为47.541 7 mg·hm-2与50.186 6mg·hm-2,高于全国2008年森林平均植被碳密度42.82mg·hm-2,但是低于世界的平均水平86.00mg·hm-2;3)利用1997年与2007年两期数据分析了该林场森林植被的年固碳增量为39.63t·hm-2·a-1,平均年增长率0.51%,低于我国森林的平均年增长率1.6%,该林场森林植被仍具有潜在的固碳空间;4)对森林植被的碳汇效益进行了计量,1997年与2007年分别为2 728.130 8万元与2 744.954 8万元,净增长了16.824 0万元。应加强对现有森林经营,尤其是中幼龄林抚育,提高森林质量,从而增加现存森林的碳密度,以此来提高森林固碳潜力。
The paper studied the carbon storage,density,and carbon sequestration and oxygen release values in forest ecosystems of over-cutting areas in Jingouling Forest Farm,located in Changbai Mountain,Jilin Province,China.The results showed that:1)the total carbon storage in the forest ecosystems were7 621.842 2and 8 018.125 9tin 1997 and 2007,respectively,with a net increase of 466.283 7t.Middleaged forests and nearly matured forest had a greater proportion than the forests in other age classes,so the carbon sequestration would be in a state of sustained growth and potentially huge carbon pool.2)The age structure of the forests showed direct proportion with carbon density approximately,the average vegetation carbon density in this field were 47.541 7mg·hm-2 and 50.186 6mg·hm-2 respectively in 1997 and in 2007,which was higher than average carbon density of 42.82mg·hm-2 in China,but lower than the world average of 86.00mg·hm-2.3)The forest vegetation in this farm had the annual average accumulation amount of 39.63t·hm-2·a-1 and the annual average accumulation rate of 0.51%,which was lower the average accumulation rate of 1.6 %in China,but played a role of carbon sinks.4)The carbon sink benefit was evaluated:the economic values were 2 728.130 8and 2 744.954 8 million Yuan in 1997and2007,respectively,with a net increase of 16.824 0million Yuan.It meant that the measures of forest conservation,degraded forest ecosystem restoration could significantly increase the potential of forest carbon sequestration in this area.