Land Use Functions (LUFs) are the goods and services provided by the different land uses that summarize the most relevant economic, environmental and societal issues of a region. The LUFs framework integrates the changes observed in a large set of indicators into LUFs, which is used to assess the impact of policies on land sustainability at various levels of spatial aggregation. In China, significant changes in land use over the past decades calls for a need of assessment of sustainability of such changes, the relevant study is of both theoretical and practical importance for sustainable development. This paper establishes a conceptual framework for assessing LUFs, and demonstrates its application by tracing land use changes and associated functional changes in China from 1985 to 2005. The major steps are identification of environmental, economic and social indicators related to land use change and impact; investigation of the nature of the relationship between indicators and LUFs through establishing matrix of indicators charactering each LUF; identification of the importance (weighting) of each key impact indicator for the sustainability of the regions ; assessment of sustainability limits for the regions and normalization of indicator values; and integrated assessment of the effect of a policy scenario on the sustainability of the land use in a region. Following those steps, altogether 10 LUFs is identified for China, and the results indicate that the overall LUFs of China had been increased over the past 20 years extending from 1985 to 2005. Specifically, among the 10 LUFs, provision of employment opportunity decreased more than 30 percent, maintenance of ecosystem processes was over-explored, and reduction of pollutant emission weakened. However, rest of the LUFs was enhanced, out of which human health and artificial land productivity functions increased by 3 folds. Beside, achieving rate of the total LUFs to the top value increased to 0.37, doubled the value in 1985, of which resource maintenance an