针对高速俯冲SAR多模式实时信号处理系统的特殊性,提出了一种设计与实现方案. 对高速俯冲SAR应用背景及工作模式进行介绍,并说明了本系统所使用的SAR成像算法. 在此基础上,提出了可包容单通道多子图的扫描SAR处理和三通道单脉冲处理的系统架构设计方法,并对其中的关键技术如原始数据流方式、高效率数据共享方法、快速模式切换方法和低功耗休眠功能进行具体描述. 挂飞试验的实时处理结果验证了本系统的正确性和有效性.
A scheme for special features of a multi-mode real-time signal processing system of high-speed diving SAR is proposed. First, the application background and various working models are introduced, and the imaging algorithm for concerned system is illustrated. On this basis, an architecture which can execute both single-channel multi-subimage scan SAR processing and three-channel monopulse processing is designed, and the key innovative technologies such as original data stream, efficient data sharing method, fast mode switching means and low-power function are described in detail. Finally, the flight experiment results verify the correctness and effectiveness of the proposed system.