This paper makes an analysis on the control right transfer cases of Chinese Listed Companies of the non-tradable shares reform completed period in 2006-2011, study the impact of the government in tervention, political connections on the control right transfer. The study found, the local government con trolled enterprise and the enterprise which is in low marketization area, more inclined to implement the lo cal transfer of control right, which support the existing market regionalism in We also find that the political connection enterprises, more inclined to implement the local transfer of control right, suggesting that the political connection to protect the enterprise from government "grabbing hand" violations at the same time, also increased the company's political and social burden, political connection enterprises will be more affected by the government intervention to realize the goals such as expand employment, promote lo- cal economic development and maintain social stability and so on, so the political connection enterprises are more inclined to implement the local transfer of control right.