采用环-块摩擦磨损试验机对比考察了钢-铝摩擦副在液体石蜡与含纳米铜粒液体石蜡润滑下的摩擦磨损特性,研究了对纳米铜添加剂添加量与载荷对其按摩磨损性能的影响,通过对磨损表面粗糙度,形貌及其主要元素找 能谱分析,探讨了纳米铜颗粒作为添加剂时钢-铝摩擦副的润滑机制,结果表明:含0.25%纳米铜颗粒液体石蜡时,钢-铝摩擦副的摩擦磨损性能最优;在不同载荷下纳米铜颗粒可以改善铝的摩擦磨损性能,特别在中等载荷(50-125N)下,其抗磨减摩作用更明显;纳米铜颗粒能够在磨损表面形成一层低剪切强度的铜保护膜,有效地避免粘着磨损,同时阻止铝元素向钢表面的转移,从而显著改善钢-铝摩擦副的摩擦磨损性能。
Friction and wear properties of steel against aluminum were evaluated on a ring-on-block tribotester. The tests were carried out under lubrication of liquid paraffin (LP) alone and liquid paraffin containing oleic acid surface-modified Cu nanoparticles. Effects of concentration and load on the tribological properties of Cu nanoparticles were investigated. LP containing 0.25% Cu nanoparticles exhibited the best tribological properties and good wear resistance and friction reduction at different loads, especially at applied loads between 50 N and 125 N. Thin copper film formed and spread out on metal surface, which provided low shear strength, prevented transfer of Al to steel surface and reduced friction and wear.