During the investigation of biodiversity of diatoms from Great Xing'an Moutains, more than six hundreds samples were collected and studied. Totally, 10 taxa from Naviculaceae were newly recorded in China which belong to four genera. They are. Frustulia crassinervia (Br4bisson) LangeBertalot g〉 Kram mer; Neidium ampliatum (Ehrenberg) Krammer, Neidium apiculatum Reimer, Neidiurn binode f ormis Krammer; Navicula upsaliensis ( Grunow) Peragallo Stauroneis arnphicephala Kiitzing, Stauroneis flu minopsis Van de Vijver LangeBertalot, Stauroneis gracilior Reichardt, Stauroneis leguminiformis Lange Bertalot Krammer,Stauroneis mediterranea LangeBertalot are given in this paper.