By annual concentration index, spatial interpolation and competition model, tourism festivals of 140 counties in Shandong Province have been researched based on data from 1990 to 2013. Tourism festivals can be divid- ed into three stages of the initial, developmental and boom stage, there is off-season and busy-season for it, it mainly happened from April to October. The ratio of it in autumn is about 40%, and the ratio of late spring and early sum- mer season is about 38%, the seasonal distribution of it starts to vary from three-peak and three-valley to two-peak and two-valley. Climate, resource endowments and the themes are mainly factors. It has eight-peak of tourism festi- vals duration, and the most quantity of less seven days account for 55%. Public holidays and paid vacation, summer holidays, economic efficiency are the primary driving factors. Seasonality of tourism festival vary largely in inter-an- nual, it shows the trend of decline, and the value of R dropped from 15.04 to 8.32. Both duration and the number of tourism festivals' spatial distribution presents "weak in west, strong in east", it shows two-peak and two-valley of the former, and three-step of the latter. It takes obvious regional difference, the type of dogs area has the largest .