为了解麻阳河自然保护区野生红菇真菌资源状况,从保护区采集到7种野生红菇,基于其形态特征结合ITS r DNA序列与Gen Bank中相关的红菇属的同类序列构建的分子系统发育树,将其鉴定为厌味红菇Russula nauseosa、美红菇Russula puellaris、鳞盖红菇Russula lepida、菱红菇Russula vesca、以及变绿红菇Russula virescens、Russula faustiana、粉柄红菇Russula farinipes。
This study provided a clue for protection and utilization of Russula spp. inMayang River reserve and Guizhou Province. Seven species of Russula spp. were collected from the Mayang River Nature Reserve in Guizhou Province, Chi- na. These species were identified as the R. nauseosa, R.puellaris ,R. lepida ,R. vesca ,R. virescens and R.faustiana based on morphology and phylogenetic analysis of ITS rDNA sequences.