四倍体通常具有植株强健,花大等优点,为了培育盆栽四倍体亚洲百合,本研究在亚洲百合(Lilium)品种Petit Brigitte、Orange Pixie、Black Bird和Pollyanna间进行了正常人工授粉杂交,对3个杂交组合后代的组培苗鳞片用浓度为0.001%、0.002%、0.003%和110.005%的胺磺灵处理了4h,对处理后的再生小鳞茎进行了染色体和荧光原位杂交(FISH)分析,结果表明,用0.003%和0.005%浓度的胺磺灵所处理百合的加倍率分别为19%和23%,FISH分析结果进一步证实了染色体加倍的植株,但有的植株的个别染色体存在未被加倍的现象。该结果进一步确认,胺磺灵处理对百合加倍的有效性;染色体细胞学的方法,结合FISH技术,更能对个别染色是否被加倍得以更准确的确认。
Tetraploid plants usually grow more vigorously and produce larger flowers than their diploids. To breed tetraploid poted Asiatic lilies, the present study carried out the crosses among Asiatic lily(Lilium) cultivars Petit Brigitte, Orange Pixie, Black Bird, and Pollyanna with normal artificial pollination, then, the scales of the progenies obtained from three crossing combination were treated 4 h with 0.001%, 0.002%, 0.003% and 0.005% Oryzalin, and the regenerated bulblets were analyzed with chromosome preparation and fluorescence in situ hybridization(FISH) technique. The results showed that the chromosome doubling rates were 19% and 23% with 0.003% and 0.005% Oryzalin respectively, and FISH not only confirmed the chromosome doubled plants, but indicated that some particular chromosomes might not be doubled in some plants. The present result conformed that Oryzalin is effective to double lily chromosomes, and that cytological method, combined with FISH technique, enable individual chromosomes whether to be doubled or not more accurately.