采用营养琼脂培养基和R2A Agar培养基对上海某高校及其附属小学公用饮水机出水细菌总数变化规律进行了测试分析比较。结果表明,在洁净饮用水受微生物微污染情况下,R2A Agar培养基更适合这种贫营养环境中的微生物的培养,比营养琼脂培养基具有更好的灵敏度。
Plate count Agar and R2A Agar cultural medium were used to measure the total bacteria from the effluent of the communal drinking water machines of an university and its primary school in Shanghai. The results showed that, R2A Agar cultural medium is suitable to culture the microbial in a poor nutrient environment and it is more sensitive than plate count Agar to measure the total bacteria.