记述贵州省盘县新民乡羊圈村中三叠统关岭组上段的混鱼龙3种,其中有一新种:Mixosaurus maotaiensis Young,1965,emend.nov.,Mixosaurus cornalianus(Bassani),1886和Mixosaurus yangjuanensis sp.nov.。与混鱼龙类化石同层产出的有真颌鱼类和龙鱼类化石,真颌鱼类的特征比意大利和瑞士边界地区安尼-拉丁期和拉丁期早期普罗山头组(Prosanto Formation)所产的始真颌鱼Eoeugnathus进步,混鱼龙新种也比意-瑞边界地区安尼-拉丁期过渡期的混鱼龙进步。因此,我们推测当前混鱼龙类化石的层位可能包括从下安尼阶上部到拉丁阶下部的一段地层,不是简单的一个化石层,此问题尚待进一步深入研究。
In the summers of 2001 and 2002 we went to the Xingyi district of southwestern Guizhou to explore the Triassic marine vertebrates and got in Xingyi an information occurred in neighboring Panxian the saurian and fish fossils. Because of the inconvenience of the traffic we did not go to Panxian to do field exploring, and therefore we did not se at that time the saurian and fish specimens of that county.