目的为数量特征敏感问题的二阶段抽样提供科学的调查方法及其统计量计算公式,为制定北京市艾滋病高危人群预防控制规划、措施提供科学数据。方法使用数量特征敏感问题加法模型、二阶段随机抽样、均数的性质、方差的性质等数理统计的理论与方法。结果推导出数量特征敏感问题加法模型二阶段抽样调查总体均值的估计量及其方差、估计方差的计算公式。运用该文提供的调查方法及其统计公式,调查估计得出北京市男男性行为人群首次男男性行为的平均年龄为21.9 747岁。结论该文提供的数量特征敏感问题二阶段抽样的调查方法及其统计公式科学可行。
Objective To explore scientific sampling methods and corresponding formulas for quantitative sensitive question survey on two-stage random sampling.To provide scientific data for the prevention and control of high risk AIDS population in Beijing.Methods Additive model for quantitative sensitive question survey,two-stage random sampling,properties of variance and mean were used.Results Formulas for the estimation of the population proportions and its variance on additive model for quantitative sensitive question survey were deduced.The survey methods and formulas were employed successfully in the survey of the age of the first time for having MSM sex and the result was 21.9 747.Conclusion The methods and corresponding formulas for two-stage sampling on additive model for quantitative sensitive question survey are feasible.