In addition to the strand of analyses of the exclusion of indigenous cultures and traditions by the development projects activated by exogenous forces, inter alia the forces of modernity and modernization, it is necessary to unpack the subjectivities and agencies of the marginalized ethnic minority communities, without losing sight of the unequal relations of power between local communities and exogenous development forces. Lugu Lake area, inhabited by Moso people that is known as the last matrilineal tribe in China, is now experiencing dramatic socio-spatial restructuring wrought by the advent of globalization and modernization, especially throughout the development of the tourism sector over the past 30 years. To conduct this study, a total of 182 days of fieldwork and continuous online ethnography(mainly We Chat-based online ethnography) as used as research methods. They serve to investigate the indigenous encounters with development and locally based practices of socio-economic changes within the Mosuo communities between 2008 and 2016. The analysis of empirical data explores how ethnic minority groups negotiate tradition, modernity and identity. Benefiting from sensitivity to contextual conditions and comprehensive examination of the multiple, competing cultural and economic logics at play, the paper argues that the indigenous communities are not merely passive recipients of modernization and globalization. Rather, they actively seize development opportunities to improve their standards of living and wellbeing. Also, local people responded to the hegemonic discourses and claims for modernization with their own development objectives and practices. Based on the thesis of"our modernity"proposed by Chatterjee, this paper claims that the indigenous people work with the grain of the distinction between the material and the spiritual dimensions of modernity, and attempt to incorporate modern technologies and lifestyles into indigenous cultures, without necessarily threatening their cultural identity. This