对北京东灵山地区克隆植物等齿委陵菜(Potentilla simulatrix)自然种群的开花行为观察发现:等齿委陵菜种群花期较长(约3个月),但单花花期较短(1~2d),每个基株的花期平均(14.6±0.7091)d(n=15),同一基株内不同花的花期完全重叠的现象极少.人工授粉实验表明等齿委陵菜不存在无融合生殖,自发自交与人工自交的结实数都极低.花粉胚珠比为3874,应属于专性异交的交配系统.人工添加花粉实验并没有导致种子产量显著增加,这表明等齿委陵菜种群内不存在花粉限制.等齿委陵菜访花昆虫的种类很多,主要传粉昆虫有2种淡脉隧蜂(Lasiogossum sp.)和1种地蜂(Andrena sp.),对雄性阶段的花与雌性阶段的花的访问频率基本相同,传粉昆虫的访花活动与生境温度、湿度密切相关.
The flowering phenology, breeding system and pollination ecology of Potentilla simulatrix (Rosaceae) were studied at Mount Dongling, Beijing, China. P. simulatrix population flowering span is long. Flowering duration of single individuals lasts 14.6±0. 709 1 (n =15) days; flowers bloom sequentially in each genet. Individual flower blooms for only 1 or 2 days, and simultaneous blooming in the same genet is not seen. Hand pollination suggests no apomixis in Potentilla simulatrix, indicating self-ineompatibity. Hand crosspollination to un-bagged flowers did not increase seed production, suggesting absence of pollen limitation. Seven families of insects were found visiting Potentilla simulatrix flowers, with Lasiogossum spp and Andrena sp being the main pollinators. Pollinator visiting activities were highly correlated with temperature and relative air humidity.