In the Qingshui River region, the Hmong cluster themselves together mainly based on " surname","pedigree", "wine hall","settlement" and marriage network. The Hmong settle mainly by great surnames. They have the right to set the surname symbols and the newcomers have to change their surnames in order to join them. The descendants of the founding fathers of the communities have the right to worship, and to act as the heads of Guzang and of Huolu. Wine halls are gathered by the consanguinity or the pro - forma consanguinity groups. Members of the same wine hall are prohibited from intra - marriage. But wine halls can be made of by different surnames and different lineaged families. The same surname and pedigree can break the surname system to get married (break drums to get married), for they belong to different wine halls then. The allegation of' whether the Hmong' s "ghost insanity" is classified as clean or unclean is based on "families", the purpose of which is to maintain the "internalized" marriage ring and the ideal marriage patterns, that is, "cross - cousin marriage".