Semiconductor illumination to replace the traditional illumination is still enslaved to low light efficiency, high cost, short life and other issues. These problems are caused by manufacturing defects, core equipment, high efficiency heat dissipation, reliability and other key issues in manufacture process level. This program (No. 2011CB013100) which was organized and leaded by Research Institute of Tsinghua University at Shenzhen mainly focus on three critical scientific problems and establish six major research directions as follow: 1. principle research and equipment realization of large size homoepitaxy substrate growth and defect control; 2. new principle research and equipment realization of low defect concentration and high efficiency remove planarization of large size ultra hard substrate ; 3. 6 inches and larger size epitaxial wafer cross-scale manufacture technology and MOCVD equipment, relationship between geometry structure of multi-field coupling reactor chamber, gas transmission mode and manufacture process parameters; 4. multi-parameter coupling design of packaging equipment execution system and high acceleration composite motion generation; 5. simplified thermal model of LED and integrated manufacturing of cross scale heat transport system; 6. composite stress accelerated life test method for LED and coupling law of reliability constraints. The main objeetive of this projeet is manufacturing of 220 lm/W high performance and high reliability LED device. Intention to reveal the relationship between luminous efficiency, reliability and manufaeturing defects; set up new principles, new methods and new equipment; break through eritical bottlenecks of technologies; establish the theoretical and technological foundation of new generation LED manufacture and development; provide support for the striding development in LED manufacture equipment. Making our country to he LED production international manufaeture and innovation eenter. This paper will show a comprehensive discussion from research backgr