等离子体显示单元中的阳极条纹现象,即等离子体密度沿阳极分布不均匀的现象,对于提高等离子体显示屏的显示性能具有重要影响。在许多等离子体显示单元的实验和模拟过程中,都观察到了条纹现象,但对于条纹形成的机理还没有定论。本文采用基于粒子模拟的PIC-MCC(Particle in Cell Monte Carlo Colhde)模型,对荫罩式等离子体显示单元中阳极条纹产生过程进行了模拟,并结合放电过程中粒子浓度、等位线分布以及壁电荷积累分布等的变化情况,详细研究了荫罩式等离子体显示单元中阳极条纹的形成机理,通过对阳极条纹现象及其机理的研究,可以更好地理解等离子体放电单元的放电特性和机理,为我们寻找提高放电效率的途径提供一定的理论指导和依据。
The anode striation in shadow mask plasma display panel (PDP) cells was simulated with the particle in cell Monte Carlo Collide (PIC-MCC) code and the XOOPIC software package to improve the discharge efficiency. The time evolutions of various factors, such as the particle density, equipotential distributions and accumulations of the wall charges etc. in the discharge process, were evaluated to tmderstand the possible mechanisms of the anode" striation formation. The preliminary results show that the time evolution of the equipotential corresponds to the anode striation process, and that the accumulation of the wall charge significantly results in the formation of anode striation.