Networks can be divided into local networks and ultra-local networks from the geographical perspective, both oi them have different functional mechanism in improving technological innovation of enterprises. Based on the theory of net- work embeddedness and technological innovation, this paper establishes the relevant model and makes empirical analysis of the 130 valid questionnaires from four clusters in Zhejiang province. The results show that dual reiational embeddedness is positively correlated with the two types of search strategies. Local relational embeddedness is beneficial to search depth, and ultra-local relational embeddedness is beneficial to search width respectively. There is significant positive correlation between search depth and exploratory innovation, search width and exploitative innovation. Search depth plays a fully me- diated on local relational embeddedness to affect exploratory innovation, and plays a partly mediated on ultra-local relation- al embeddedness to affect exploratory innovation. Search width is the mediator of local relational embeddedness and ex- ploitative innovation, as well as the semi-mediator of ultra-local relational embeddedness and exploitative innovation.