With the rapid development of molecular imaging technology and materials science, it is very possible for the medical imaging techniques to enable the real-time and multi-modality visualization, characterization, and quantification of biologic processes taking place at the organ, tissue, cellular and molecular levels within intact living subjects. Via the comprehensive progress in terms of tumor early diagnosis based on molecular targets, a revolutionary tumor molecular classification, tumor boundary determination, and surgical navigation, the precision medicine will be achieved. Ultrasound (US) molecular imaging, which is a new branch of molecular imaging, has developed rapidly in the latest decades. The phase-transitional molecular probe has shown significantly more superiority than the traditional US contrast agents owing to its good penetration, stability and the ability for theranostical integration, which indicates a better potential in the basic researches and the clinical applications. In this paper, we reviewed the progress in the studies of the phase-transitional ultrasound molecular imaging probe and its applications in biomedicine.