目的研究兰科开唇兰属药用植物福建金线莲(Ancecotochilus roxburghii)总黄酮的最佳提取工艺,为该药材质量研究奠定基础。方法以总黄酮含量为指标,紫外分光光度法为检测手段,利用正交实验设计确定最佳提取工艺。结果所考察的因素中,对福建金线莲总黄酮提取率影响程度为:溶剂浓度〉提取次数〉提取时间〉溶剂用量,其中乙醇浓度对黄酮提取率具有显著影响。结论福建金线莲总黄酮最佳提取工艺为:体积分数95%乙醇浸泡过夜,加热回流提取3次,每次1.5h,溶剂用量均为12倍量。加样回收率为98.51%,RSD为2.068%,
OBJECTIVE To study the extraction technology of total flavonoids for Anoectochilus roburghii. METHODS The extraction condition was optimized with orthogonal design by the detection of UV spectrum. RESULTS Flavonoid extraction was affected by ethanol concentration, extraction frequency, extraction time and solvent quantity. CONCLUSION The optimum extractions are A1B3C3D3. The material was soaked overnight with 12 volumns of 95% EtOH, kept circumfluence for 1.5 h,this operation was repeated for 3 times. Average recovery is 98.51% , and RSD is 2. 068%.