The windowed Fourier transform and S transform are common time-frequency analysis tech- nologies. The windowed Fourier transform adopts a fixed size time-frequency analysis window to process a signal in both time and frequency domain, while S transform analyses a signal with variable size win dows controlled by the instantaneous frequency of the tested signal. Therefore, S transform combines the advantages of both the windowed Fourier Transform and the multi-scale strategy of the Wavelet transform. This paper focuses on studying the applications of two-dimensional(2D) windowed Fourier transform 'ridge~method and the two-dimensional(2D) S transform 'ridge~method in the optical three dimensional (3D) surface measurement based on the structured-light illumination. The theoretical ex- pressions of the phase maps modulated into the deformed fringe patterns are detailedly derived by emplo ying the definition of the 2D windowed Fourier transform and 2D S transform, respectively. In addition, the comparison of the reconstructed results of the two methods has been carried out. The simulations and experiments show that the 2D S transform method based on the idea of the "ridge" has higher phase extraction accuracy than 2D windowed Fourier Transform. Even if the captured fringe patterns are seri- ously polluted by noises, a satisfactory result of 3D reconstruction can be obtained by 2D S Transform.