In order to study toxicity changes in di{{erent matching between the herbal gin- seng and veratrum nigrum of eighteen incompatible medication in traditional medicine, the acute toxicity of mice treated with veratrum nigrum-ginseng combination of the eighteen in- compatibal (Shi Ba Fan) was explored. UPLC/TOF-MS with Principal Components Analy- sis (PCA) were used to analyze the same samples used in acute toxic experiment. The re-sults showed that death rate of mice was decreased in the rise of compatibility of ginseng with fixed dose of veratrum nigrum, toxicity alkaloid series such as veratrosine, veratrum alkamine, 3-angeloylzygadenine, germidine, veretramine, rubijervine were also increased. Therefore, above alkaloid series may be key factors contributed to the poisoning effect of ginseng combined with veratrum nigrum.