地方小煤窑的乱采滥挖很大程度上造成了当地煤炭资源的极大消耗和环境污染,同时采空区给露天开采留下了严重的安全隐患。根据露天矿开采中小煤窑采空区与工作台阶水平位置的不同,通过鲁佩涅伊特法计算出的顶板安全厚度作为分界点,提出采空区的3种不同状态及其相应的处理措施。以水泉矿为实例进行了分析研究,结果表明:其合理安全厚度为4煤7 m,9煤6 m,根据不同状态进行处理,保证了该矿安全、正常开采。
Indiscriminate digging behavior by local small coal mining caused a large extent to the great local coal resources deple- tion and environmental pollution, and has left a serious potential safety hazard to open pit mining. According to the different posi- tion between goal and working bench in open-pit mine mining, and through the K.B.Lu peinie theorytto calculate the roof safety thickness as the demarcation point, raised three different states of goal, deal with different states of god in different ways. Shui- quan open-pit mine for instance analysis study, results indicate that the reasonable safety thickness of 4# is 7m,9# is 6m.Tben handled according to the different states, which guarantee the safety and regular of open-pit mining.