The influence of Fe and Si impurities was investigated quenching by means of end-quenching tests,and microstructure analysis including optical microscopy (OM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Results show that the addition of Fe and Si im- purities leads to lower quench sensitivity, decreasing by 3.29% in maximum when characterize by hardness. With increasing the content of Fe and Si impurities, Air Cu2 Fe phase and Mg2 Si phase con- tent increased significantly, thus reducing the solutes concentration of Cu and Mg elements in the ma- trix,reducing the degree of supersaturation, which leads to lower quench sensitivity. AlrCuzFe phases and Mgz Si phases are favorable for recrystallization, but bad for the reducing quench sensitivity. This is attributed to the higher amount of the recrystallization grains and (sub)grain boundaries, which re- sult in more heterogeneous precipitation of η equilibrium phases during slow quenching. The influence of supersaturation on quench sensitivity is bigger than that of grain structures.