2008~2011年对甘肃省蔬菜根结线虫的发生种类和分布及种群密度进行了调查。结果表明:依据根结线虫2龄幼虫、雌虫、雄虫及卵的形态学特征,明确了甘肃省蔬菜根结线虫种类为南方根结线虫(M.incognita);根结线虫在甘肃省的保护地蔬菜上普遍发生,几乎遍及全省的各个地区,发生严重,受害的蔬菜种类达20多种,其中番茄、黄瓜及苦瓜受害严重,土壤中的线虫群体密度最高达到1 196条/100g。此外,调查还发现,保护地内的一些杂草,如藜、马齿苋、田旋花和龙葵等上也有根结线虫发生。
The species and distribution as well as population densities of root-knot nematodes(Meloidogyne spp.) were investigated in Gansu province from 2008 to 2011.The results showed that the species occurred on protected-field vegetables was Meloidogyne incognita basing on the morphological characters of males,females,the second-stage juveniles and eggs in Gansu province.This nematode was widely spread in Gansu and caused a serious damage to more than 20 kinds of vegetables,it mainly caused damage to tomato,cucumber and bitter melon.The highest density of the nematode in soil reached to 1 196 second stage juveniles per 100 gram soil.Meanwhile,this nematode was also found on weeds in the protected fields,such as Chenopodium lbum,Portulaca oleracea L.,Convolvulus arvensis L.and Solanum nigrum L.