Plant niche breadth and niche over-lapping under enclosed measures in old enclosed region,new enclosed region and contrast region in Yanchi county of Ningxia were measured by means of Levins niche breadth and Pianka niche overlapping indexes.The results showed that enclosed measures had significant promoting effect on the recovery of desertification grassland vegetation.The plants with the largest niche breadth in old enclosed region were Heteropappus altaicus(Willd.) Novopokr.,S.ruthenica Iljin,Cleistogenes Keng and Setaria viridis(L.) Beauv..They were the dominant species of this area.The plants with the largest niche breadth in new enclosed region and contrast region were Artemisia ordosica Krasch.,Lxeris chinensisvar.graminifolia(Ledeb.)H.C.Fu.The results of niche overlapping analysis also showed that the niche breadth and niche overlapping did not have a direct linear relation.