A mathematical model of three-section heater for varying condition was established. The heater operation of low liquid level was simulated by this model with the calculation of the heat trans- fer coefficient of drain cooler. Taking #1 high pressure feedwater heater of a 330 MW steam turbine for example, the model was used to calculate the heater terminal temperature difference at regular liquid level, and the heat transfer condition of drain cooler and the terminal temperature difference at low liquid level. The calculation results were verified by the experimental data. The influence of heater liquid level and power load on terminal temperature difference was also quantitatively ana- lyzed. Finally, the security liquid level and the economic liquid level were reseted. The security liq- uid level was reseted as 0.14 to 0.15 m, and the economic liquid level was reseted as 0.2 m. The reseted liquid level is nearly 60 mm higher than the design control level, which can reduce the termi- nal temperature difference of the heater as 2 to 3 ℃.