This study first uses the Time Varying Parameters C-P Probabilistic Meth-ods to estimate the households' inflation expectations in China, on the basis of survey data from the PBC between the first quarter of 2000 and the first quarter of 2011. Then we inves-tigate nonlinear adjustment mechanism of households' inflation expectations following the STECM. The result suggests that nonlinearity of adjustment mechanism of households' infla- tion expectations result from asymmetric adjustment effect from expected bias to inflation ex- pectations. Specifically, if expected bias is small, adjustment mechanism expresses sticki-ness,while if expected bias is large ,adjustment mechanism just expresses nonlinearity and may even express mutability when expected bias is too large. What' s more,we find that the stickiness and mutability of adjustment mechanism are closely related to inflation environ-ment. The change from stickiness to mutability in adjustment mechanism will lead to unsta-ble economic behaviors of households and cause serious damage to the efficiency of econom-ic operation, so it is central bank' s responsibility to help households to form accurate expec-tations.