根据目前对消费者时间偏好的研究,本文在Chen-Bo Zhong等人的研究基础上,研究中国文化背景下,消费者是否受到快餐品牌启动效应的影响。本文基于近期社会心理学对品牌启动效应的理论研究,通过对被试进行快餐品牌标识的刺激,研究中国消费者时间偏好是否会受中西式快餐的影响。本文采用两种方式量化消费者的时间偏好:对节省时间产品的偏好和时间贴现率。实验结果表明,中西式快餐标识的启动效应将导致被试提高时间贴现率并增加对“节省时间产品”的偏好,且中式快餐的影响弱于西式快餐。
According to recent research in time preference, this article explores whether fast food brand priming can change time preference based on the advancements in Chen-Bo Zhong’s research. Based on behavioral priming literature, this article studied the behavior after exposure to fast food. And this article measured this kind of behavior in two ways: the preference of time-saving products and the discounting rate of time. This research found that exposure to Chinese fast food or foreign fast food can lead to impatient behavior and the priming effect of Chinese fast food is weaker.