During the design optimal design configuration of microprocessors, it is a great challenge to efficiently det to meet design specifications, and predictive modeling is a ermine an promising technique for efficient design space exploration. In order to improve the practicability of existing predictive modeling techniques, we propose to employ model tree based predictive modeling for multicore design space exploration. First, a small fraction of design configurations are sampled and simulated. Then, such data are utilized to construct a model characterizing the relationship between design parameters and processor responses by model tree algorithm. Finally, such model could be used to predict the responses of other design configurations, and the optimal design configurations can be found. Experim our approach ca to performance respect to energ ental results show that, compared n improve the prediction accuracy predi y pre ction, and the prediction ac diction. with SVM-based and ANN-based predictive models, by 74.87% and 38.87%, respectively, with respect curacy by 2. 66% and 16. 82%, respectively, with