Biophotonics and nonlinear fiber optics have traditionally been two independent fields.Since the discovery of fiber-based supercontinuum generation,biophotonics applications have experienced a large impact from nonlinear fiber optics,primarily because of the access to a wide range of wavelengths and a uniform spatial profile afforded by fiber su-percontinuum.However,biophotonics applications have difficulty in employing supercontinuum generation for reasons such as poor coherence,high noise and insufficient controllability.How to generate a linearly compressed continuum with broadband spectra based on 100-fs Ti:Sapphire oscillators is still a challenge in nonlinear fiber optics.In order to generate a linearly compressed continuum,we must investigate the influences of the fiber and laser pulse parameters on fiber continuum generation.Then we can know how to enhance compressible nonlinear effects while suppress incompress- ible nonlinear effects for linear compressible continuum generation in optical fiber. The characteristics of supercontinuum will play a great role in biomedical photonics, especially in microscopy.