目的:探讨兔眼玻璃体切割术后晶状体混浊的情况变化。 方法:选用Dutch Bbelted兔63只,随机分为3组,玻璃体切割联合平衡盐填充(平衡盐组);玻璃体切割联合200mL/LC3F8填充(气体组);玻璃体切割联合硅油填充(硅油组)。观察3mo品状体混浊变化情况及术后不同时间眼压变化情况。 结果:玻璃体切割术后玻璃体腔内填充200mL/LC3F8气体,术后并发性白内障的发生率为85.7%;填充硅油术后并发性白内障的发生率为19.1%;填充平衡盐术后并发性白内障的发生率为14.3%,各组术后眼压较术前变化稳定,无统计学意义。 结论:兔眼玻璃体切割术后气体注入组晶状体混浊的发生率最高,术后尽早取出硅油可以降低术后晶状体混浊的发生率。
AIM: To study the change of the lens opacity degree after vetretomy. METHODS: Sixty-three Dutch Bbelted rabbits were asisgned randomly to three groups.. BBS group received vitrectomy with BBS; gas group was given vitrectomy with 200mL/L C3F8, and silicone oil group was preformed vitrectomy with silicone oil. The change of the lens opacity degree 3 months after operation and lOP at different times were observed. RESULTS: The complicated cataract rate of gas group, silicone oil group and BBS group was 85.7%, 19.1%, and 14.3% respectively. There were no significant differentces of IOP among three groups. CONCLUSION: Different intraocular filling materrials may be involve complicated cataract in rabbits lens after vitrectomy, among which the lens opacity rate is the highest after operation at the gas group, take silicone oil after operation as early as possible may lower the lens opacity rate.