As an effective method for date analysis, formal concept analysis has been applied to many fields. Concept lattice is an core data structure for formal concept analysis in data analysis and knowledge discovery. In this paper, we introduced two new Galois connections and discussed their properties, based on these Galois connections via a concept of similarity degree, a complete lattice, calledβ(β is a real number in (0,0.5]) concept lattice, is produced. A formal context can be converted into an inducedβcontext through a kind of similarity degree which is used to cope with a partition of the objects set or attributes set. on the basis we studied the basic properties of concept lattice induced by the specific Galois connection. Moreover, it is proved that the β concept lattice is a complete lattice produced by the induced β context. Finally, the concept lattices determined by an similarity degree is constructed from the induced context. Finally, we gave the definition of a specific fl reduction, proposed two judgment theorems for consistent sets and proved. Some relevant results of concept lattice has been done to promote.