Industrial agglomeration is an important way to improve ur- ban productivity, and specialization and diversification are two options for agglomeration mode. This paper takes city scale as the threshold variable, and employs the threshold regression method to establish a nonlinear panel data model. Then it empirically studies the effects of specialization and di- versification on the differences of urban productivity. It arrives at the fol- lowing conclusions: firstly, specialization agglomeration improves the pro- ductivity of small and medium-sized cities to a certain extent, but hinders the productivity improvement in large cities; secondly, diversification agglomer- ation has the significantly negative and positive correlation with the produc- tivity of small and large cities respectively, but has no relationship with the productivity of medium-sized cities. It provides the policy implications that small and medium-sized cities should focus on developing key industries, and achieve a more rational division of labor through specialization, while large cities r~eed to encourage a joint development of a variety of industries and promote urban productivity through diversification agglomeration.