从防汛抗旱指挥决策的内容出发,本文分析了3S技术在防汛抗旱指挥决策中的作用,包括数据获取与管理、空间信息可视化、数字高程模型、空间分析、实时监控、遥感监测等技术对防汛抗旱指挥决策的全方位支撑。在此基础上,将3s技术综合应用于防汛抗旱指挥决策工作中。依托集GIS、RS、GPS为一体的MapGIS K9平台,设计了防汛抗旱指挥决策支持系统的数据管理方案和主要功能框架,并开发了原型系统。
On the basis of the content of decision-making in flood control and drought relief, this paper analyzed the functions of 3S technology in the application, including the full range of technological sup- port, such as data acquisition and management, spatial information visualization, digital elevation model, spatial analysis, real-time monitoring and remote sensing monitoring. Finally, based on MapGIS K9 plat- form which is integration of GIS, RS and GPS, a prototype system was designed and developed. The sys- tem could provide the data management solution and the main functional framework.