As a strong convective weather, the severe short-range precipitation is far more common disaster weather in Suqian. It has an effect on the industry and agriculture, the transportation and ship-ping or the buildings. However, the forecast of the severe short-range precipitation is always difficult. It is important to improve the forecasting and warning ability or to prevent disaster in order to provide the prediction services of the severe short-range precipitation and set up routine operational flew chart by u-sing the existing meteorological data. Based on Visual Basic, the hourly rainfall data from automatic sta- tions, Micaps data, NECP 1°×1 ° reanalysis data and T213 numerical forecast product were used to de-velop the platform for historical case inquiry and potential trend forecast of the severe short-range precipi-tation in Suqian. The purpose is to improve prediction quality of the severe short-range precipitation and reduce the economic loss of meteorological disaster.