以陕南燃煤型砷中毒病区的5个自然村为调查采样点,通过现场流行病学调查和环境样品的分析测定,分析砷暴露人群的砷暴露途径,估算各暴露途径(呼吸、饮水和食物)的暴露剂量及对总暴露的贡献率,探讨引发燃煤型地方性砷中毒发病的最低有效暴露剂量。研究结果表明,除对照村外,采暖季各村的烤火间和卧室空气砷含量均有不同程度的超标,水和粮食未受燃煤砷污染。在采暖季,高砷煤燃烧污染的空气是人群砷暴露的主要来源;在非采暖季消化道砷暴露是各村的主要摄砷途径;表明消化道暴露对累积砷暴露的贡献不容忽视。结合问卷调查和流行病学调查结果,估算陕南病区引发燃煤型砷中毒的最低累积暴露剂量在1 712 mg左右。
The purpose of this paper is to estimate the contributions of various pathways( ingestion and inhalation)to cumulative arsenic exposure( CAE),and to find out the minimal cumulative dose of arsenism in coal arsenic affected area,by analyzing arsenic exposure from food,water and air. Five villages located at endemic arsenic poisoning area of Shaan xi Province,have been taken as sampling points. The epidemiological survey has been done.The environmental samples,containing fire coal,indoor and outdoor air,drinking water,corn and vegetables,have been collected as well. It has been shown that,air arsenic concentrations of most of the air samples from kitchen and bedroom are over the limit except that of control during heating period. Water,corn and vegetables have not been polluted by air arsenic. During the heating period in winter,air polluted by fire coal combustion is the main source of arsenic exposure. However,food and water contaminated by arsenic are the main source during the rest time of the year. These indicate that the arsenic ingestion from food and water has contributed much to CAEand cannot be ignored. The result shows that 1 712 mg cumulative arsenic intake can cause skin lesions.