A novel X-ray spectrometer is designed to diagnose the plasma conditions. It can provide simul- taneously X-ray spectroscopy and plasma image information. Four eUiptically bent crystal analyzers are used to detect the X-ray spectroscopy in the range of 2-20 keV. The pinhole imaging systems coupled with gated micro-channel plate (MCP) detectors are developed to detect the image,and it allows 20 ima- ges to be collected in a single experiment. The experiments are conducted to demonstrate the utility of the spectrometer at "Shenguang-Ⅱ" upgrading laser facility in China Academy of Engineering Physics. The X-ray spectroscopy and hot sport image information are obtained by the spectrometer, and the pro- posed scheme can improve the capability of the spectrometer. Finally, experiments are done at "Shen- guang- Ⅲ'laser facility,the ideal images are obtained,and the signal-to-noise ratio can raach 30.