Bilinear pairings computation is one of the basic operations of public key cryptography algorithm, which is widely used in the identity-based encryption and attributed-based encryption schemes. However, all of the efficient outsourcing algorithms of bilinear pairings are based on two untrusted servers, which is difficult to be realized in practical applications. In order to solve the problem, a secure outsourcing algorithm of bilinear pairings with single server was proposed. The input of users' device was took for blind treatment, which could protect the input and output confidentiality and verify the correctness of the server output by a small amount of pre-computations. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm reduces the computation of the users' device just by several point additions and multiplications, and its verifiability probability is 2 /5.Compared with the previous schemes, the proposed scheme is based on one single untrusted server and easier to be realized in reality.