Matching the data of Chinese Industrial Enterprise Database and China' s Customs Database during 2000-2006,using the Kaplan-Meier survival,hazard function model and Cox survival model,this paper verifies the hypothesis that financial constraints af fect the survival likelihood of R&D firms:the survival likelihood of Chinese R&D firms will be increased by relieving firm' s external or internal financing constraints.The robustness tests of Weibull model show that:(1) the positive effect of improving internal financing constraints to firm' s survival likelihood does exist in firms of different scales,but only large and medium-scale firms can increase survival likelihood by relieving external financing constraints.(2) the positive effect of improving financial constraints to firm' s survival likelihood does exist in areas that develop better on financing,but this effect does not exist in other areas significantly.Therefore,Chinese R&D firms with higher level of financing capability will survive longer.This paper provides a new inspiration for Chinese R&D firms to increase survival likelihood.