A ring R is called strongly reflexive if for any a,b,c∈R,aRbRc=0 implies aRcRb=0.Some properties of strongly reflexive rings are discussed in this paper: ① R is a symmetric ring if and only if R is a strongly reflexive ring and IFP ring;② Semiprime rings are strongly reflexive,but the converse is not true;③ R is a strongly reflexive ring if and only if for any a1,a2,…,an∈R(n≥3),a1Ra2Ra3…Ran=0 implies ai1Rai2Rai3…Rain=0,where i1i2i3…in∈Sn;④ Let R be a {quasi-Abel} ring and x∈R.If x is an exchange element of R,then x is a clean element.